Spring / Summer Fertiliser (2.5kg tub)
In order to keep your lawn turf healthy throughout the summer heat, you need to keep it well-fed and regulate nutrient levels to maintain a positive equilibrium. By doing this, you ensure that your beautifully-kept lawn remains fresh and green throughout the season.
To help you with this, we strongly recommend incorporating our Turfman Spring and Summer Lawn Feed into your fertilising routine. This feed should be applied bi-annually in order to reap the most benefit. The first application should be completed in either March or April, with the second carried out 8 weeks after. Try to make sure you feed your lawn when rain is forecasted, as this assists in the absorption process.
· Nitrogen, which promotes leaf growth, and encourages depth of colour and lushness in your lawn.
· Phosphorus, to make certain your lawn’s roots are healthy.
· Potassium, to combat disease and improve the water absorption of your lawn.
Each bucket will cover a total area of 80m²
In conclusion, help keep your lawn healthy and as green as possible by using Turfman Spring and Summer Feed twice in a year, 8 weeks apart. Containing key nutrients for your lawn turf, including high levels of nitrogen as well as other nutrients, It is perfect for maintaining a thick and green lawn.